The Escapists Wiki
The Escapists Wiki

The playable character in the game currently has 3 stats each of which has a maximum level of 100.

The values of these stats can be viewed for the player by pressing the P or 7 (or start on Xbox 360, left directional pad on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch) key. Moving the mouse cursor over the bars will show their numeric values. Players' stats are all automatically set to 30 when they first enter a prison, with the exception of Center Perks 2.0 (40), versus mode (70) and transport prisons (70 intellect, 30 strength and fitness). In The Escapists, the player's stats will gradually decrease over time, requiring the player to continue training in order to maintain them. When sent to solitary, all skills drop by about 10 (TE only). A player's stats cannot drop below 10.

Player can check strength, speed, and intellect in the Profile. Money, Health, Heat, and Fatigue can be seen in the top left of the screen in The Escapists, while in TE2, Health, Heat and Fatigue are visible at the bottom left of the screen (Money is only visible in the Profile in TE2).

Health TE2 Health[]

Health is the one of the most important stats. If it drops to 0 the player will get knocked out and sent to the Infirmary, losing carried contrabands and, in The Escapists 1, some money. In TE1, the maximum health the player can have is 50, which is achieved at 100 strength. Life will slowly drop every time the player is sent to the infirmary. In TE2, Health is unaffected by strength and has a maximum of 100. Health regenerates very slowly, but this process can be accelerated by sitting (about 1 hp/second), sleeping (solitary bed - 1 hp/second, infirmary bed and your own right after getting knocked out - 4 hp/second, every other bed - 2 hp/second), showering (2 hp/second) or eating during mealtime (2 hp/second) (TE2). The player can also use certain consumables to restore Health.

Stamina TE2 Fatigue/Stamina[]

In The Escapists, the tiredness of the player is classified by Fatigue, and in TE2, the player's energy is classified by Stamina. In the PC version of The Escapists, doing certain tasks (chipping/digging/cutting, exercising, studying, and attacking) increases Fatigue, while in the console/mobile version and in TE2, doing such actions lowers Stamina. Blocking in TE2 also lowers Stamina each time a hit is blocked. When Fatigue is full in The Escapists or Stamina is nearly empty in TE2, the player becomes unable to perform tiring actions until their Fatigue is low enough/Stamina is high enough. Sleeping in a bed, sitting, showering or consuming food or drinks will lower player's Fatigue / increase player's stamina. In TE2, showering, sleeping, or eating at meal time will raise player's stamina by about six points per second, while sitting down will raise player's stamina by about two points per second.

Consuming certain items can reduce Fatigue/raise Stamina.

This table is accurate for The Escapists 1 only!

Items -%Fatigue
Bar of Chocolate Bar of Chocolate 10
Cooked Food Cooked Food
Pack of Mints Pack of Mints 5
Bananas Bananas 10

(Found in Jungle

Compound Only)

Coconut Coconut
Mango Mango
Burrito Burrito 10

(Found in San

Pancho Only)

Heat TE2 Heat[]

Heat is a measure of the guards' attention towards the player, and is increased by breaking the rules.

This includes the following:

  • Searching desks or knocked-out characters (instant 100% if player takes something, none if player puts something in, prevented by guard outfit)
  • Attacking inmates in sight of a guard or camera (about 10% each time the player is seen doing it, any guard that saw will also attack the player, also prevented by guard outfit, players will still receive heat PER guard that sees you attack an inmate, but they will not attack you unless your heat spikes to 99% or 100)
  • Being seen by a guard while carrying a desk or knocked-out character (10% each time the player is seen)
  • Being spotted by a guard while in other inmates' cells (15% at first, can rise higher if player remains in there)
  • Being late to a routine/missing the routine (the more late you are, the more heat you get)
  • Passing through a Scanner while carrying contraband (Desktop/console TE: 99%, Mobile TE: 30%, TE2: instant 100%)
  • Attacking a guard (instant 100%, [TE2 only] instantly up ~35-40% unless instant KO [TE]).
  • [TE2] Being in a restricted area (restricted areas are not marked, but if a guard sees the player, the heat will increase by 15%. It does happen in The Escapists, but only in DLC maps such as the tree room in Santa’s Sweatshop.
  • [TE2] Being near a Guard Dog while carrying contraband (instant 100%)
  • Being seen by guards while wearing Guard Outfit, Infirmary Overalls, Riot Guard Outfit or Civilian Outfit
  • Being naked - having no outfit equipped (10% each time the player is seen by guard)
  • [TE2] Climbing onto roofs; this causes a 10% increase each time the player ascends onto one

When player's heat gets to about 90% (80 in TE2) guards will attack you on sight, and if the player is outside, you will be shot. If the player is outside/seen by a guard while player's heat is above this threshold, it will rise immediately back to 100. The amount of heat a player gets from guards depends on the guard's opinion about you (TE only). The higher a guard's opinion is, the less heat player will get from them, the lower the opinion, the more heat the player will get from guards. During a Lockdown, player's heat blasts up to 99% [TE only]. At 90% heat or higher, player cannot get a job.

Fitness TE2 Speed / Fitness[]



Determines how often a character attacks when fighting. A higher Speed (known as Fitness in TE2) decreases the time between attacks, increasing the character's damage per second. In TE2, it also reduces the stamina consumed when fighting but will not reduce stamina consumption when exercising or studying. To increase the character's speed, the player will have to either run on the treadmill, skip, use the yoga mat, or hit the speedbag. Note that speed doesn't affect the walking speed of the character. If the game is hacked in such a way where the player character has much higher speed than is normally possible, (i.e. 200) then it is possible to hit an opponent twice at the same time. If the player has a good weapon, and/or similarly hacked strength, then this will usually one-shot any inmate or guard you whack.

Strength TE2 Strength[]



Strength greatly increases the player's damage in fights and increases player's overall health (TE only, see Health above for more info). It can be increased by working out on the weightlifting machines, workout mats or the punching bag in the prison workout area. It's a good idea to build up your character's strength so the player can hit harder and live longer (TE) in fights. Like other stats, it will decrease over time (TE) and while in Solitary, so it is important to continue working out constantly (~25 reps every day should be good) to keep in top condition. To fight better, player should have high speed as well. Strength training will increase player's Fatigue level quickly, forcing player to wait, shower, eat a meal at mealtime, use something that decreases fatigue, or sleep at lights out.

Intelligence TE2 Intellect[]

Intellect defines the crafting or working ability of the player. Intelligence is raised by using the computers or reading books. This increases fatigue, or in The Escapists Console/Mobile and The Escapists 2, decreases stamina. This stat is needed to be at certain levels for certain jobs and crafting certain items. In The Escapists, items have their Intellect requirements required to craft them. While in The Escapists 2, the player has most recipes available from the Crafting menu. These recipes are divided into Intellect Requirement segments: 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+, and 70+. This means a minimum Intellect of 70 allows the player to craft every item in the game. In The Escapists, this value is 90.

Money TE2 Money[]

Money is the game's currency. It is obtained by favors or by working. It can be used to buy items from inmates and can be given to raise a guard or inmate's opinion.

Money can also be used by payphones for crafting recipes or tips about the current prison.

Opinion TE2 Opinion[]

Main article: Opinion

The player itself does not have this stat on their profile screen. Rather, every other character in the game has a value for this, which denotes their opinion of the player. Characters that have a low opinion of the player are more likely to attack without being provoked, and will also snitch on the player if they catch them escaping. Guards with a low opinion will tear down posters and bedsheet curtains placed by the player, and in the mobile version of The Escapists 1 they will attack you when they see you inside another inmate's cell instead of just ordering to leave. When opinion of an inmate reaches 80 or higher, you can recruit them by pressing "Q" while near them; however you can not recruit characters in mobile version. A recruited inmate will attack any inmate or guard that either the player targets or that attacks the player, and will follow the player around (unless the player runs too fast or goes somewhere the inmate cannot, in which case, they will leave). In the mobile version of The Escapists 1, guards with opinion above 80 will not attack you when they see you fighting and will cheer instead.
